New York Prisoners

Copied From The Book

New York In The Revolution

Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York

Vol. XV, New York State Archives, Vol. I.

Edited by: Berthold Fernow





Hetfield, Moses, Colonel, Orange Co. Mil., (Goshen) Captain of a Comp of Minute Men, 1775, Major, Col. Sam'l Drake's, 1776, taken prisoner on Montezun's Island, Sep. 23, '76, exch'd 1778, Commissary Dept. till 1781, Colonel Militia. Goshen, Orange Co.

Buyker, Silas, Priv. Col. Pawling, from Aug. 7, 1780, to Octbr. 23, 1781

Taylor, Elijah, Priv., Capt. Rich'd Sackett's Levies, from Aug. 15, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Sackett, Rich'd, Captain, Col. Pawling's, from Dec. 26, 1781, to Feb. 26, 1782

Bowen, Timothy, Priv., Capt. Vrooman, from Oct. 23, 1780 to Oct. 1, 1782

Borst, Jacob J., Priv., from Oct. 3, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Bowen, Timothy, Private, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Decbr. 15, 1782

Brannon, Abr'm, Private, Capt. Jos. Drake, Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Delong, John, Priv., Oct. 23, 1780, to Oct. 26, 1782

Drake, Joshua, Captain, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Eastwood, John, Private, Capt. Jos. Harrison, from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Ecker, Leonard, Priv., from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Hawkins, Stephen, Priv., from Oct. 23, 1780, to Nov. 25, 1782

Henry, Hugh, Priv., Capt. Harrison Harper, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to Novbr. 11, 1781

Hogeboom, Peter, Private, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Decbr. 11, 1782

Hogle, Peter, Private, from Septbr. 26, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Keeler, Isaiah, Private, Capt. Drake, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Decbr. 12, 1782

Lattimore, Francis, Sergt., Capt. Bogart, from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 23, 1782

Monross, Jesse, Priv., from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Moss, Simeon, Priv., Capt. Drake, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Novbr. 23, 1781

Murray, Peter, Priv., Capt. Vrooman, from Oct. 23, 1780, to Decbr. 7, 1782

Post, Cornelius, Sergt., from Oct. 23, 1780, to July 12, 1781

Rene, Andrew, Sergt., Capt. Vrooman, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to Aug. 23, 1782

Rickerd, Jacob, Priv., Capt. Putnam, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to Septbr. 3, 1781

Sharp, Peter, Priv., Capt. Vrooman, from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Staring, George, Priv., Capt. Putman, from Octbr. 21, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Stark, Nathan, Private, Oct. 23, 1780, to Novbr. 26, 1781

Terry, Nath'l, Sergt., Sept. 26 to Oct. 10, 1780

Virgil, Abijah, Private, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to Nov. 17, 1782

Vrooman, Walter, Captain New Levies, Col. John Harper's, taken prisoner at Kanassoraga, in the Indian Country, Oct. 23, 1780; released July 29, 1783. Normanskill, Albany Co. and Schenectady.

Winne, Kilian, Priv., from Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Putnam, David, Corpl., Col. Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1781, to Decbr. 18, 1782

Savage, Joel, Private, Col. Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1781, to Nov. 29, 1782

Schermerhorn, John L., Priv., Col. Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Tanner, Jacob, Sergt., Capt. Putman, Col. Willet's Levies, from Oct. 24, 1781, to Dec. 18, 1782

Valentine, Stephen, Priv., Willet's Levies, from Sept. 7, 1781, to Novbr. 29, 1782

Vols, Conrad, Priv., Capt. Elsworth, Col. Willet, from July 6, 1781, to Decbr. 11, 1782

White, Stephen, Captain, Lt.-Col. M. Willet's Levies, comm'd Spring 1781; taken prisoner near Johnstown, Oct. 26, 1781; exchanged Fall of 1782. Ballston


Pay roll of Sundry Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of the Albany County Regiment of Militia, Commanded by Col. Jacobus Van Schoonhoven, who were Prisoners in Canada

Gordon, James, Lt.-Col., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Nov. 19, 1782

Collins, Tyranis, Capt., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned May 21, 1783

Benedict, Caleb, Ensign, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned May 21, 1783

Sprague, John, Sergeant, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 6, 1782

Barnum, Thos., Sergeant, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 6, 1782

Davis, John, Sergeant, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Nov. 1, 1782

Gordon, James, Private, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 10, 1782

Benedict, Elijah, Private, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 6, 1782

Benedict, Felix, Private, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 6, 1782

Sprague, Elijah, Captain, taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 8, 1782

Rumsey, David, Captain, taken June 11, 1781, returned May 21, 1783

White, Epenetus, Lieut., taken June 11, 1781, returned Nov. 9, 1782

Palmateer, Isaac, Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 6, 1782

Hollister, Josiah, Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 6, 1782

Higby, John, Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Sept. 1, 1781

Higby, Lewis, Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Sept. 1, 1781

Patchen, Jabez, Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Sept. 1, 1781

Watrous, Edw. A., Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Novbr. 4, 1782

Kennedy, Thos., Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Novbr. 9, 1782

Wood, Enoch, Priv., taken Oct. 17, 1780, returned Dec. 8, 1782

Patchen, Sam'l, Lieut., taken May 17, 1781, returned Dec. 8, 1782

Bonter, Hend, Lieut., taken June 11, 1781, returned Nov. 18, 1782

Bonter, Christ, Ensign, taken June 11, 1781, returned Nov. 18, 1782

Harper, Alex'r, Capt., Col. Peter Ziely?, from April 7, 1780, to Novbr. 28, 1782. A. A. B. 225

Vrooman, Ephr'm, Lieut.-Col. Vrooman, from Aug. 9, 1780, to Aug. 31, 1781. A. A. A. 291

Detachment of Col. Van Woert's Albany Co. Regt. ordered out to Skeensborough and taken prisoners March 7, 1780

Loop, Henry, Ensign, released Nov. 24, 1782

Woolsworth, Wm., Sergt., released May 18, 1780

Seelye, David, Private, released June 11, 1782

Rodgers, James, Private, released June 11, 1782

Gray, Wm., Private, released Septbr. 3, 1782

Thomas, Robert, Private, released Novbr. 24, 1782

Bump, Aaron, Private, released Novbr. 24, 1782

Bessy, Ephr'm, Private, released March 14, 1782

Norton, David, Private, released March 20, 1782

Blowen, Wm., Private, released May 18, 1780

Sherwood, Seth, Capt. of Comp. of Exempts in Col. Webster's Charlotte Co., from Oct. 10, 1780, to Nov. 11, 1782

Sherwood, Necome, Sergeant, from Oct. 10, 1780, to Nov. 11, 1782

Harris, Moses, Private, from Oct. 10, 1780, to Nov. 11, 1782

Furman, Alex'r, Ensign, Col. Frear, from Jan'y 8 to October 11, 1777

Harper, Godfrey, Priv., Capt. John Drake, Col. Graham, from Aug. 23 to Decbr. 23, 1778

Smith, Richard, Priv., Capt. Adiel Sherwood, Col. Graham, at Fort Anne, from July 15, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Williams, Daniel, Captain, Col. M. Graham, from Decbr. 25, 1778, to March 8, 1780

Runnels, Wm., Priv., Col. Woodhull, from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 6, 1778

Moore, Joseph, Private, Col. Allison, from Octbr. 4, 1777, to Feb'y 25, 1778

Sheridan, Rich'd, and taken prisoners October 6, 1777, and released, July and Aug., 1778

Thompson, James, Privs., in Col. Allison's, taken prisoners October 6, 1777, and released, July and Aug., 1778

Wood, John, Captain, Col. Allison, from July 20, 1779, to July 31, 1783

Marvin, Ephraim, Adjt., Col. Josiah Smith, from Decbr. 6, 1777, to May 8, 1778

Bost, Christ., Private, Capt. Dygart, 1st Tryon Co., from April 13, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Cannon, Mathew, Priv., Co. Clyde, from Novbr. 11, 1778, to Novbr. 11, 1780

Dygart, Severinus, Private, Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 4, 1780, to Aug. 4, 1782

Fosse, Adam, Private, Capt. Dygart, from Sept. 19, 1777, to May 21, 1783

Furro, Rudolph, Private, Capt. Dygert, from May 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Hause, Jacob, Priv., from April 11, 1779, to January 10, 1783

House, George, Private, from June 9, 1781, to May 21, 1783

House, Nicholas, Private, Capt. Dygart, from Aug. 1, 1781, to May 21, 1783

House, Peter, Private, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Loucks, Peter, Priv., from April 11, 1779, to Jany. 21, 1782

Myer, Henry, Ensign, Capt. Dygart, from April 13, 1780, to Oct. 5, 1782

Revershon, John Peter, Priv., Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 23, 1780

Schefer, Adam, Priv., from ---- to Octbr. 23, 1780

Schuyler, Jacob, Priv., Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Schuyler, Nicholas, Priv., Capt. Dygart, from Octbr. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Schuyler, David, Jr., Priv., Capt. Dygart, from June 9, 1781, to May 21, 1783

Shairman, George, Corpl., Capt. Dygart, from July 27, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Smith, Johs., Private, from Oct. 16, 1780, to May 21, 1783. A. A. B. 54

Van Slyck, Garret, Priv., from July 4, 1780, to May 31, 1783

Woolver, John, Priv., Capt. Dygart, Col. Clyde's 1st Tryon, from July 18, 1781, to Dec. 11, 1782. A. A. A. 230


Baxter, Thos., Priv., from May 27, 1780, to April 19, 1783

Boyer, Valentine, Priv., Capt. Keyser, from May 3, 1781, to Decbr. 3, 1782. A. A. A. 225

Casselman, Peter, Priv., from Aug. 2, 1780, to Nov. 2, 1781

Eadle, George, Priv., from April 3 to 25, 1780

Farbush, John, Priv., from April 3, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Feeling, Jacob, Priv., from Aug. 5, 1780, to Sept. 5, 1781

Feeling, John D., Priv., from Aug. 14, 1781, to Sept. 5, 1781

Feeling, John J., Priv., from May 10, 1781, to Nov. 15, 1782

Forbush, Barth'w, Priv., from Sept. 19, 1779, to April 21, 1783

Forbush, Nichs., Priv., from April 10, 1780, to May 19, 1783

Gerlach, Adam, Priv., from July 30 to Decbr. 16, 1782

Helmer, John, Priv., Capt. Keyser, from April 3, 1779, to May 21, 1783

Hillegas, Peter, Priv., from Aug. 22, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Keyser, Johs., Captain, March 15, 1780, to Sept. 3, 1781. A. A. A. 291

Klock, Conrad, Priv., from May 27, 1780, to April 19, 1783

Klock, Jacob Conrad, Lieut., from March 6, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Kring, John, Lieut., from Sepbr. 5, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Laucks, George, Lieut., from Octbr. 6, 1781, to Decbr. 6, 1782

Lawer, Conrad, Lieut., from Oct. 17, 1780, to Decbr. 6, 1782

Lawer, John, Lieut., from Octbr. 17, 1780, to Decbr. 6, 1782

Lobdell, Isaac, Lieut., from April 1, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Nellis, George, Lieut., from July 15, 1782, to May 21, 1783

Newman, Joseph, Lieut., from March 2, 1780, to May 21, 1783. A. A. B. 56

Peifer, Johs., Lieut., from April 3, 1779, to May 24, 1783

Pickard, Barth'w, Lieut., from April 3, 1780, to May 1, 1783

Pickard, John, Lieut., from Aug. 26, 1781, to Novbr. 11, 1782

Rumsnider, Henry, Priv., from Sept. 2, 1780, to Sept. 2, 1781

Schulds, Hendrick, Priv., from July 26, to Dec. 10, 1781

Schulds, Johannes, Priv., from July 26 to Dec. 10, 1781

Schulds, Wm., Sergt., from July 26, 1781, to Decbr. 8, 1782

Sits, Peter, Ensign, from June 2, 1778, to Nov. 9, '80. A. A. A. 142

Spanknebel, John, Private, from Aug. 5, 1777, to Sept. 3, 1781. A. A. A. 136

Staring, Jacob, Priv., Capt. House, from May 21, 1780, to May 21, 1783. A. A. A. 301

Timmerman, Jacob, Priv., Capt. House, from Aug. 5, 1781, to Decbr. 1, 1782. A. A. A. 291

Van Slyck, Jacobus, Priv., from Sept. 24, 1779, to March 20, 1783

Walrath, Adolph, Priv., from May 26, 1781, to Sept. 3, 1781

Walrath, John A., Priv., from May 26, 1781, to Decbr. 20, 1782

Woleben, Nichs., Priv., Capt. Dygart, from June 3, 1780, to May 16, 1781. A. A. B. 42

Zeely, John, Lieut., from Oct. 25, 1781, to Nov. 24, 1782. A. A. A. 136


Fry, John, Brigade Major, from Aug. 6, 1777, to Oct. 28, 1778

Bluen, John, Major, Aug. 2, 1777, to Dec. 1, 1777. Apparently dead in Decbr.

Crowley, Jeremiah, Private, Capt. Jellis Fonda, from Oct. 25, 1781, to Novbr. 9, 1782

Bellinger, Christian, Priv., Capt. Yates, Col. V. Veeder, from Oct. 26, 1781, to May 21, 1783

Bellinger, Phil., Priv., Capt. Yates, Col. Veeder, from Oct. 24, 1781, to Nov. 15, 1782

Moyen, Jacob, Priv., Capt. Yates, Col. V. Veeder, from Oct. 24, 1781, to Dec. 18, 1782

Rankin, James, Jr., Priv., Capt. Marc Demout's Rangers, from March 15, 1777, to May 21, 1783

Sammons, Fred'k, Sergt., from May 22, 1780, to Sept. 1, 1782

Terwilliger, Hermanus, Sergt., from May 22, 1780, to Aug. 29, 1781


Demouth, Marcus, Captain, Col. Lewis Dubois, Levies, Col. Peter Bellinger's Mil. 9 months in Dubois' Regt., 3 months in Harper's, Capt. of Rangers 18 months, shot through left arm and taken prisoner October 29, 1780, at German Flats, near Fort Dayton. Kingsland Distr.

Dinus, Jacob, Priv., Capt. Staring, from July 15, 1780, to Decbr. 14, 1782

Docksteder, George, Priv., Novbr. 29, 1780, to Jany. 6, 1783

Eckler, Leonard, Jr., Priv., Oct. 23, 1780, to May 21, 1783

Gitman, Fred., Capt., Oct. 23, 1780, to Nov. 14, 1782

Herter, Lawrence, Priv., from June 21, 1782, to Dec. 14, 1782

Hillor, John, Priv., Capt. Staring, from July 14, 1780, to Aug. 27, 1781

Ittick, Christr., Sergt. July 14, 1780, to Dec. 14, 1782

Keller, Georg Nichs., Private, June 14, 1780, to Oct. 14, 1781

Petri, Jacob, Ensign, June 14, 1780, to Dec. 14, 1782

Piper, Andrew, Ensign, June 14, 1780, to Dec. 14, 1782

Rigel, Fred'k, Priv., from Oct. 31, 1780, to Novr. 22, 1782

Schomaker, John, Jr., Priv., Capt. Frank, from May 12, 1781, to Oct. 1, 1782

Schomaker, Thos., Priv., from May 12, 1781, to Dec. 14, 1782

Staring, Henry, Priv., Capt. Frank, Col. Bellinger, Prisoner from Oct. 16, 1780, to Novbr. 10, 1782

Wederick, Jacob, Priv., from Octbr. 29, 1780, to May 21, 1783


Dearkis, John, Sergt., from Oct. 6, 1777, to May 27, 1778

Denton, Isaac, Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777, to July 1, 1778

Humphrey, Geo., Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777 to Aug. 10, 1778

Humphrey, James, Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 8, 1778

Humphrys, Wm., Sergt., from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 8, 1778

Slott, Cornelius, Sergt., from Oct. 6, 1777, to July 20, 1778

Stinson, Wm., Private, from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 10, 1778

Storm, Abrm., Priv., Capt. Onderdonk, Col. Pawling, from March 21, 1777, to Aug. 7, 1778

Van Nosdall, John, Corpl., from Oct. 6, 1777, to July 20, 1778

Wilson, And'w, Priv., from Octbr. 6, 1777, to July 8, 1778

Wool, Ellis, Priv., taken Oct. 6, 1777, and died as prisoner Jan'y 14, 1778

Wool, Robert, Priv., from Oct. 6, 1777, to Aug. 8, 1778


Acker, Abr'm, Priv., Capt. Dan'l Martin, from May 1, 1780, to Jan'y 1, 1781

Acker, Jacob, Private, Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1782

Bailey, John, Priv., Capt. Martling, from May 20 to Novbr. 5, 1780

Bennington, Isaac, Private, Capt. Sherwood, in Canada from Oct. 10, 1780, to Oct. 23, 1782

Boyce, Thomas, Ensign, Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1782

Burgess, Archer, Priv., Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1782

Covenhoven, Edw., Priv., Capt. Martling, from Sept. 27, 1778, to Feb. 14, 1779

Delamater, Isaac, Priv., from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780

Devoe, David, Priv., Capt. Honeywell, Col. Hammond, from Sept. 1, 1780, to Jany. 1, 1781

Haynes, John, Sergt., Capt. Jesse Hunt, Col. Jos. Drake, from Jany. 13 to March 19, 1777

Hornbeck, Henry, Private, Capt. Isr. Honeywell, from March 4 to 19, 1782

McChain, John, Priv., Capt. Isr. Honeywell, from Decbr. 17, 1779, to April 30, 1780

Marsh, Samuel, Priv., Capt. Orser, from Dec. 17, 1779, to Decbr. 27, 1780

Purdy, Solomon, Priv., Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to June 6, 1782

Requa, Isaac, Lieut. and Adjt., from Jan. 31, 1779, to March 10, 1780

Retong, Wm., Priv., from July 2, 1779, to Nov. 5, 1780

Sherwood, Stephen, Ensign, Capt. Honeywell, from March 4 to 19, 1782

Taylor, Eli, Private, from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780

Van Tassel, Abrm., Private, from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780

Van Tassel, David, Private, from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780

Van Tassel, Isaac, Sergt., from July 2, 1779, to Novbr. 5, 1780

Van Tassel, Jacob, Lieut., from Novbr. 17, 1777, to Octbr. 17, 1778, and from July 1, 1779, to Novbr. 27, 1781

Youngs, Joseph, Priv., Capt. Gale Requaw, from Decbr. 25, 1778, to Sept. 25, 1779


Thomas, Thomas, Colonel, from Novbr. 12, 1778, to May 15, 1779

Aarhart, George, Private, in prison 1 month and 15 days

Angevine, Gilbert, from June 11, 1781, to March 1, 1783

Astine, Amos, Private, from March 1 to Sept. 1, 1781

Banks, Jon'n, Private, from Octbr. 3 to Decbr. 20, 1781

Banks, Samuel, Ensign, from Decbr. 2, 1781, to Febr. 15, 1782

Black, Isaac, from April 4 to Octbr. 2, 1780

Brown, Joseph, from Febr. 8 to June 1, 1780

Carpenter, Rufus, from Febr. 16 to May 19, 1781

Carpenter, Wright, Lieut., from Febr. 16 to July 4, 1781

Charlick, Henry, from Aug. 31 to Novbr. 9, 1780

Clapp, Benjamin, Private, from March 1 to Septbr. 1, 1781

Clapp, Henry, from Febr. 16 to Septbr. 2, 1781

Craft, William, Private, from June 26 to Septbr. 24, 1779

Donaldson, Joseph, from April 29, 1777, to Novbr. 14, 1781

Feeks, Robert, from Decbr. 18, 1781, to Septbr. 17, 1782

Ferris, Daniel, from July 12 to Octbr. 4, 1779

Finch, Elnathan, Private, Capt. Moseman, from June 11 to Sept. 11, 1781

Franklin, James, Private, Capt. Lyon, from July 19 to Decbr. 19, 1781

Gilcrease, Samuel, Private, in prison 1 month and 15 days

Gilchrist, Samuel, from Feb. 16 to Septbr. 16, 1781

Green, Benjamin, Private, from May 11 to Octbr. 11, 1780

Harris, William, Private, from March 3 to Sept. 3, 1781

Haynes, David, Private, from March 1 to Septbr. 1, 1781

Hegens, Ebn'r, from June 11 to Septbr. 5, 1781

Hobby, David, Major, from Septbr. 3 to Octbr. 22, 1781

Hobby, Jon'n, Private, from Febr. 5 to May 18, 1780

Holmer, David, Sergt., from Novbr. 1, 1780, to Jan'y 1, 1781

Holmes, Nath'l, from June 13 to Novbr. 6, 1781

Hunt, Phil., Private, from March 18 to July 25, 1782

Hutchins, Abs., from June 10 to Novbr. 5, 1780, and from Febr'y 16 to March 5, 1781

Hynard, Mich'l, from June 24 to Aug. 15, 1779

Jacobs, Abr'm, from Decbr. 12, 1781, to Febr. 21, 1782

Kerby, Stephen, from Novbr. 1 to Decbr. 10, 1781

Lambert, Jon'n, Private, from March 28 to Octbr. 2, 1781

Lyon, Gilbert, Captain, from Decbr. 11, 1780, to April 11, 1781

Lyon, John, Private, in prison 1 month and 15 days, and from April 21 to Septr. 6, 1781

Lyon, Samuel, Private, Capt. Hobby, from April 26 to Aug. 15, 1777

Lyon, Samuel, Private, Capt. Lyon, from Decbr. 17, 1780, to Novbr. 4, 1781

Maynard, Eliza B., from Novbr. 12, 1778, to April 1, 1779

Miller, Sam'l, Private, Capt. Josiah Miller, from July 2, 1779, to May 4, 1780

Moseman, Marcus, Captain, from Novbr. 20, 1780, to April 18, 1781

Mosher, John, from April 27 to Decbr. 2, 1780

Nelson, Eli, Priv., from Jan. 8 to Septbr. 17, 1780, and from May 25 to Aug. 1, 1781

Organ, Corn's, from May 4 to Sept. 1, 1781

Owen, Joseph, Jr., from Novbr. 20, 1780, to Jan'y 8, 1781

Rundell, Richard, from March 3 to Septbr. 3, 1781

Smith, Isaac, Private, Capt. Lyon, from June 5 to Septbr. 6, 1781

Smith, John, Qr. Mr., from Febr. 15 to March 30, 1781

Smith, John, Sergt., from June 16, 1779, to Nov. 5, 1780

Sniffen, James, from Novbr. 12, 1777, to March 8, 1779

Sniffen, Reuben, from July 11 to Decbr. 9, 1779

Sticklen, John, from May 9 to Novbr. 5, 1780

Thomas, Edward, Lieut., from March 1 to Novbr. 1, 1781

Vincent, Joseph, Priv., from March 1 to Sept. 1, 1781

Vorhas, Samuel, from Octbr. 28, 1781, to March 20, 1782

Wardell, Eliakim, from Decbr. 30, 1779, to Jan'y 2, 1780, and May 12 to Septbr. 2, 1780

Webb, Sylvanus, Priv., from March 1 to Septbr. 1781

Weeks, James, from May 2 to Septbr. 3, 1781

Westcott, Ananias, from March 16 to Novbr. 30, 1777

Worden, George, from April 4 to octbr. 2, 1780

Worden, Valentine, from April 4 to Octbr. 2, 1780

Wright, Wm., Lieut., from Febr. 16 to Octbr. 28, 1781

Youngs, Joseph, from Febr. 16 to Oct. 8, 1781


Bashford, Wm., Sergeant, Col. Sam. Drake, from June 25 to Aug. 13, 1779

Bouton, Daniel, Priv., Capt. Sam'l Delavan, from March 16, 1777, to Nov. 1 following

Conckling, Francis, Private, Capt. Kronkhite, from July 10, 1799, to Nov. 10, 1780

Concklin, Jno., Priv., from July 10, 1779, to Nov. 10, 1780

Concklin, Thos., Priv., from July 10, 1779, to Nov. 10, 1780

Dusenbury, Henry, Private, Capt. Kronkhite, Col. Sam. Drake, from Octbr. 1, 1779, to Jan'y 1, 1780

Dusenbury, Richard, Private, Col. Sam'l Drake, from Octbr. 1, 1779, to Febr. 28, 1780

Garginear, Hermanus, Ensign, Col. Gilbert Drake, from March 4 to Aug 9, 1778

Lang, Robert, Qr. Mr. Sergt., Col. Sam'l Drake, from Sept. 15, 1776, to Dec. 30, 1776

Lucas, Wm. B., Farrier, Delavan's Lt. Horse, from June 17, 1781, to May 21, 1783

Porter, Jon'n, Lieut., Capt. Buckhout, Col. Gilbert Drake, March 8 to Aug. 10, 1778

Teller, James, Captain, Col. Sam'l Drake, from June 24, 1779, to Jan'y 1, 1781


The "Audited Accounts, A., p. 144," have a Pay-roll of Lieut. Isaac Keeler's Company of Lieut.-Col. T. Crane's Regiment, taken prisoners June 24, 1779, while Crane did not become Lieut.-Colonel until October following, and the Minutes of the Council of Appointments (See Page 306) place the officers into Drake's or the 3d Regt. of Westchester Co.

Keeler, Isaac, Lieut., released March 24, 1781

Reynolds, Nath'l, Lieut., released Octbr. 24, 1881

Bruce, Robert, Sergt., released Octbr. 24, 1881

Baxter, John, Priv., released Jany. 9, 1780

Brown, Ananias, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Buckbee, Russell, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Clark, Daniel, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

German, David, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Graham, Robert, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Hartford, Eph., Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Jump, Wm., Priv., released Jany. 9, 1780

Gray, John, Private, 2d N. Y., Col. Van Schaick, from Sept. 25, 1775 to June 22, 1777

Van Dyck, A. C., Captain, Col. John Lasher, 5 months' service, from Decbr. 1, 1776, to May 8, 1778

Knox, Abr'm, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Munro, Jos., Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Northrup, Abijah, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Quick, John, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Raymond, Sands, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Reseque, John, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Riggs, Daniel, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Sherman, Peter, Priv., released Jan. 9, 1780

Steward, Stephen, Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Whitney, Jas., Priv., released Aug. 14, 1779

Parmerton, Abijah, Priv., Capt. Benj. Stevenson's Levies, from Octbr. 19, 1780, to April 15, 1781

Lewis, John, Sergt., Capt. Robt. Yates, from Oct. 24, 1781, to Decbr. 18, 1782

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